Our Mission Statement

To make educational products and children’s books for imaginative children.

Zarfling Platoon was started by Army veteran Travis Blair and Navy veteran Angel Velasquez. The two friends met through the webcomic community. Our team’s intent is to create a variety of products that entertain children while they learn, with the benefit of bonding with their parents.

Our objective is fun, and our purpose is to support. We are partnered with Our Military Kids, a military 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization that helps children of deployed National Guard and Reserve service members and children of wounded warriors from all service branches, by providing grants for children to participate in activities while their parents are recovering or absent. We donate a portion of our proceeds to their efforts.

How Story Elements Define Us

We try to tell a story with everything that we do. The elements of characters, setting, plot, conflict, and resolution are addressed throughout our product line and company.


We add personality to our products by creating approachable, age-appropriate characters. We also put our creative talent on our website so you know those responsible for the vibrant artwork. A platoon is a unit as strong as it is unified; it is diverse, cohesive, resourceful, and intentioned. We celebrate our artistic talent!


We create fantastical products that exist in fictional places. Working within locations adds depth; we have two locations. Hearty Eggs Farm is our fictional farm where you will find The Knitting Chicken as well as other upcoming products. The Wildestness is our fantasy land, and where the SpellCasters VS series, the Scroll of Imperial Conversion, and more fantasy products reside.


What is our story? Travis left the US Army after ten years active duty. Having a desire for community, he found webcomics. This is where he met those now in Zarfling Platoon. He and Angel decided to start a company that combines their webcomic roots with their military backgrounds. With a purpose of creating products to educate and entertain, we pay forward by supporting a non-profit that supports our audience.


We create what we’ve been told is niche. We do not believe that educating youth should be anything but mainstream. By starting a publishing company, we realize that we have to wear multiple hats. To whom do we market? How do we reach our audience? This is our hurdle that we face with ambition.


With a military mindset, we will knock down that niche hurdle and become a well-known creator of children’s books and educational products. Now, explore our creations, and support our platoon by sharing our story with others!

Travis Blair
Chief Creative Noncom Officer | Texas
Likes: mustard, yard work, & cold brew coffee
Dislikes: raw onions, pennies, & mismatched socks

Angel Velasquez
Chief Petty Operations Officer | New Mexico
Likes: action figures, museums, & slow cars
Dislikes: Norwegian princes, stepping on legos, & my bald spot

David Buist
Creative Talent | Ontario
Likes: hockey, beer, & terrible movies
Dislikes: sea food, coffee, & pineapple on pizzas

PJ Day
Creative Talent | Arizona
Likes: ice cream, creating music, & Tasty Kakes cupcakes
Dislikes: squishy foods, laundry, & unnecessary drama

Amy Waeschle
Editor | Washington
Likes: surfing, reading, & mechanical pencils
Dislikes: mushy avocados, centipedes, & skiing in the rain

Wouter Goedkoop
Creative Talent | North Holland
Likes: cooking, beer and cinema
Dislikes: oysters, intolerance and laundry detergent commercials

Jason Payne
Creative Talent | Georgia
Likes: Archie comics, rats, & pixel art
Dislikes: diet sodas, mayonnaise, & early mornings